Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. is a trailblazer in fashion as he never hesitates to try out new hues, textures and combinations off the field.
The former Cleveland Browns star has always chosen his attire for glitzy occasions with style. He wore an amazing $650,000 diamond chain at the 2022 Met Gala, which was one of his best looks. At the function, he wore a suede green jacket with a long tie that fell down his chest and over his head. He also wore black leather boots and a big silver ring, but it was his huge diamond necklace from Gabriel the Jeweler that stole everyone's attention.
The architect of some of Odell Beckham's most significant and recognizable jewels, Gabriel the Jeweler, selected an even better one for the 2022 occasion.

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70% Win
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OBJ has been spotted wearing pricey jewels before, including the 2022 Gala. The 2021 Super Bowl winner is aware of how crucial it is to practice well and play at the top of the game in professional football, but he probably pays the same focus on excellence when selecting his accessories.
The renowned receiver has already been spotted donning JAXXON's gold Cuban 7mm chain. Pro athletes such as MLB outfielder Joey Gallo, New York Giants linebacker Bobby Okereke, Seattle Seahawks wide receiver DK Metcalf and numerous others have also been spotted wearing the premium men's chain.
What is Odell Beckham Jr.'s net worth in 2023?
Although there is no denying Odell Beckham Jr.'s sense of style, the wide receiver is a skilled player in the NFL as well. After being chosen from LSU in the first round of the 2014 NFL draft, OBJ made his potential clear to everyone in the league during his rookie season.
Beckham's stellar debut campaign with the Giants further cemented his standing in the league. Even though he has always prioritized team success, OBJ has also amassed enormous wealth during his NFL career.
OBJ's estimated net worth as of 2023 is $40 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. While most of his wealth has come from his pro career in the NFL, he has also earned big from lucrative endorsement and sponsorship deals through the course of his career. Odell Beckham has collaborated with companies like Foot Locker, Daniel Wellington, Lenovo, Head & Shoulders, and Nike.
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