Tiny Harris and Toya Johnson shared a video on social media and they are sending an important message to their fans. Check out the clip below.
‘GEORGIA! The Run-Off elections are tomorrow — January 5th. We need everyone to get out there and vote! 🗳 Make your voices heard to create changes that we want to see. Visit peachvote.com for more information 🍑’ Tiny captioned her post.
Someone said: ‘Boy, I miss Tiny and Toya tv show 💙 You ladies look lovely. ✊🏾’ and one other follower posted this: ‘Please vote tomorrow. No matter how long the lines are!’
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A post shared by Majorgirl (@majorgirl)
A fan said: ‘Come on Georgia we are depending on you! ❤️’ and someone else posted this message: ‘What a beautiful, positive way to use ur celebrity. Proud of you’ll. ❤️❤️’
Someone else said: ‘Go Georgia you guys got this do it in the name of Jesus❤️😂’ and a commenter posted this message: ‘Thought this was gonna be promo for another Tiny&Toya show lol.’
A fan posted this: ‘Everyone in ATL please go out and VOTE!! Let’s make this world a better place!🙏🏾’ and someone else said: ‘Hey @majorgirl @toyajohnson did you ladies get your #partyatthemailbox? Let us know. It’s the perfect box to celebrate your voice and your vote in the #GARunoffs!’
Someone else said: ‘Yes ladies ….for using your platform to encourage a positive change. Keeping Georgia 💙is best for me and you.’
In other recent news, Tiny Harris shared a photo on her social media account featuring three of the celebrities’ kids that are your favourite as well. Check out the pic that she dropped on IG.
‘Spider-Man got the cutest Lil Spidergirls ever, to help him save the world‼️ @heiressdharris @reign_beaux 2021 Superheroes 👑💜💕💫💫 #Ace5thBirthdayparty,’ Tiny captioned her post.
Other than this, Tiny is living her best life with her family.