Lakers forward Christian Wood's baby mama Yasmine Lopez took to social media to share with her followers her appearance at famous singer Usher's concert. Lopez attended the event alongside one of her friends, who posted a photograph of the two along with Usher.
Lopez is seen wearing a very expensive Balenciaga jacket worth $3090, per the official Balenciaga website, which she combined with white boots and a white handbag.

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According to the reports, Lopez assaulted her but the other woman, reportedly named Mariah, managed to run away.
"On top of that after the bitting (sic) incident took place I seen Yasmine at the bowling alley and she did not have the same energy and tried to have some dudes fight us and ran away immediately when she saw us," Mariah wrote on Instagram, via Basketball Forever, with the Instagram account Wags Unfiltered first reporting the news.However, it looks like this is not the first time that the Lakers forward's baby mama has got involved in a scandal.
Lakers forward's baby mama Yasmine Lopez reportedly got involved in another scandal
Per the Wags Unfiltered and Mariah's comments, Yasmine Lopez has got involved in another scandal. Lopez has been allegedly accused of attempting to scam famous athletes with fake pregnancies.
Chicago Bears wide receiver DeSean Jackson and the Memphis Grizzlies' Ja Morant were mentioned in the alleged conversation as her next "targets".
Still, there has been no substantial evidence whether this is true or not, and it is based on Mariah's comments and some text messages that were leaked recently.
However, Lopez, who has two children, one with Lakers forward Christian Wood and another one with Trevon Diggs of the Dallas Cowboys, refuted these reports and text messages, calling them fake and embarrassing.
"That was not me! If I was bold enough to type this, I would be bold enough to admit that I said it. This is a different type of sickness and then to bring my innocent newborn son into it is even more disgusting! Whoever did this going to hell," Yasmine Lopez said, via Basketball Forever. "My lawyers will be involved. People are seriously sick in the head creating FAKE dms pretending to be me. I don’t even speak like that. Y’all weird and super bitter to go this far."Aside from their new-born son, there is not much info on what relationship Lopez has with Christian Wood. So, it is unclear if the two are dating or not.
For his part, the Lakers forward has not addressed any of these issues yet. Instead, he is focused on the start of the regular season next week, as the 17-time NBA champions take on the reigning champions Denver Nuggets on Tuesday, Oct. 24.
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