Kenya Moore shared a photo featuring her baby girl, Brooklyn Daly, and fans are amazed by how quickly Brookie is growing up. Check out the pic that Kenya shared on baby Brookie’s IG account.
‘Now where did I leave off… 👶🏽#miraclebaby’ Kenya captioned her post.
A follower gushed over Brookie and said: ‘She is so adorable and such a cutie pie. That is right, Brookie takes a big interest in reading to gain knowledge for it is Powerful,’ and one other commenter posted this message: ‘She looks so serious. It’s like she understands what she’s reading.’
One other follower posted: ‘I’m sooooo happy Kenya is a Mother and has a beautiful baby!’ and someone else said: ‘hello beautiful Brookie, that’s a big book to read, how smart, you will definitely be something great I can see.’
A fan wrote: ‘Omg! Adorable! Remaining them babies on the show are clapping!’ and someone else said: ‘I love you Brooklyn, she is already super smart, good job Kenya, yessss start her off early.’
One Instagrammer also had some sweet words to say about Brookie and wrote: ‘She is thriving, basking in her Mother’s love@thekenyamooredaly,’ while another follower posted this message: ‘Pretty and smart so amazingly proud of you Kenya keep doing what you are doing.’
Someone else said: ‘Look how serious and engrossed in that book.. just look at my niece reading that page.. omg DND ( do not disturb) she’s busy .. my niece is gonna change the world 🌎 .. @thebrooklyndaly @thekenyamoore .. .. I’m in love 😍 with Brookie.’
Not too long ago, Kenya shared a video featuring her baby girl, Brooklyn, on her very own IG account that her mom created back in 2019 in order to keep fans updated.
People really cannot have enough of this miracle baby and each time they see her, they make sure to send their love to her.