Tiffany Boyer's case started out as a missing person investigation after her mother reported the 29-year-old missing in late August 2015. Her badly beaten and bludgeoned to death body was found three months later in a remote area south of Albuquerque where it was left in the open. A forensic anthropologist later confirmed that she died of blunt force injuries to the head.
While investigating the case, authorities were able to connect her killing to the disappearance of Robert “Machete Bob” McGuire. His friends believed Boyer was to blame for him having gone missing. Authorities later found McGuire's body buried in a grave in Valencia County.
An upcoming episode of Mean Girl Murders on ID is slated to revisit Tiffany Boyer's baffling case. The episode titled Bad Bar Babes will air on the channel this Monday, April 3, at 8:00 pm ET.
The synopsis states:
"In 2015, Tiffany Boyer is part of an edgy party scene in Albuquerque; when she goes missing, no one's talking, but an intrepid detective, determined to get to the truth through her female friends, uncovers a cruel plot for revenge."Tiffany Boyer died of blunt force injuries to the head after being viciously struck with a hammer
In 2015, when an Albuquerque man, Robert "Machete Bob" McGuire, went missing under mysterious circumstances, his friend group blamed Tiffany Boyer, a single mother of two, for the same. She has previously raised r*pe allegations against him.
In August of that same year, the group took the 29-year-old woman to a home in the Northeast of Albuquerque, blocked the windows with cardboard, and violently beat her until one of them bludgeoned her to death using a hammer.
Three months later, in November, her decomposed body was discovered in a landfill in Torrance County, as per the Albuquerque Journal. It took the forensic scientist almost six months to establish the victim's cause of death given the state of the body.
Tiffany Boyer's boyfriend was present when the crime took place
The truth behind the attack on Boyer only surfaced when her boyfriend Jake Seale informed authorities about the events that occurred on that unfortunate day. Seale reported that he was at a friend’s house on August 19 when Boyer arrived with a number of people, including the four suspects, namely Shawna Cannon, William Alexander, Joshua Taramasco, and Stephanie Stepp.
The group was reportedly angry with Tiffany Boyer because they thought her r*pe allegations against McGuire had led to his disappearance. They also believed that she made false r*pe allegations against him. They then took her to a house in Palomas NE, near San Mateo and Constitution. Her boyfriend joined them because he wanted "to calm the situation."
Seale claimed that he watched Stepp beat up Boyer before tying his hands with zip ties and putting him and Boyer, who was also tied and gagged, in a closet. Boyer was later taken out of the closet and her boyfriend claimed to have heard her screams afterwards. Stephanie Stepp later told police that she tried to strangle her first, which didn't work, so William Alexander hit her with a hammer.
Reports state that a man named Robert Rose lived in the house in Palomas and watched the victim get killed. He claimed that he helped the group roll up Boyer’s body in a carpet and load it into a car before they drove to a remote area south of Albuquerque where the body was dumped as "coyote food."
How was Tiffany Boyer's body found?
Tiffany Boyer's body was found after a landowner in southern Torrance County informed authorities about finding a garbage bag stuffed with bloody items, including clothing, a plastic sheet, latex gloves, a cell phone, and towels. Boyer's body was discovered about a mile and a half from where those belongings were spotted.
Months later, the medical examiner was able to determine Boyer's cause of death, ruling the case a homicide. All four suspects were then eventually charged and sentenced in connection to her gruesome killing.
Learn more details about Tiffany Boyer's case on ID's Mean Girl Murders this Monday.
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