Californian musician Briget Boyle is no stranger to the music industry. Growing up, she got a first-hand insight into the industry from her mother and father who worked as a recording artist and in Hollywood’s film scoring studios respectively. She also has a wealth of experience from performing with the Kitka Eastern European Women’s Vocal Ensemble and from co-founding the True Life Trio ensemble.
Briget released her debut album The Parts Interior back in 2014 and over the next three years went on a journey of songwriting and self-exploration. The result of all this hard work is her second album The Next Line which is set for release in September. To get a taste for what’s to come from the new album, Briget has already released a single from it, called “Pick Up”.
You can watch the lyric video for “Pick Up” below:
Briget Boyle recently took time out of her busy schedule to chat to us about her latest single “Pick Up”, her soon to be released album The Next Line, and her plans for the future.
1. Firstly, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?
Sure thing. I grew up in Los Angeles in a musical family. I started singing at a young age and wrote my first song when I was 12. I have always loved music and it has seen me through a lot. I have lived in Oakland for 14 years and am proud to call it my home. I am the Creative Director at Waxsimile Productions and can sing in over 20 languages. I also love cats, guinea pigs, and picnics out in nature.
2. Growing up, you sang backup for your mother who was a recording artist, and you also worked in Hollywood’s film scoring studios with your father. What did you take away from these experiences and what did they teach you about the industry?
My mom, Karen Tobin, has always had an incredible passion for and dedication to music and it rubbed off on me. She is still going—performing, writing—and in fact, she just released a new album. Her hard work inspires me. She has taught me that we musicians just have to keep going because telling our stories is vital. Working in the studios from a young age, I was taught how to have a strong work ethic, how to be professional, and about the amount of work that goes into creating quality art and music. It was also great to grow up around people making art for their livelihoods because it made it so I saw it as a possibility for me.
3. Your latest single “Pick Up” is so unique and we absolutely love it. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the song?
Thank you! I am glad to hear you like it. I wrote “Pick Up” when I was sitting at my dining room table. I was feeling pretty alone and in my head and I was thinking about how often I get told to just be fine; to hold my stories inside unless they are all rosy. Life is not often pretty and I long for every line of the stories I tell to be honest. That inspired the first verse of the song. It turned a song about reaching out, picking up the phone, staying present, and continually searching for the next part of the story.
4. As a songwriter, what creative process do you follow when you are writing your music?
Typically, I start with a chord progression on the guitar that I improvise vocals to until something sticks. Sometimes I start by writing poetry that I then put to music. Lately, I have been messing with my looping pedal and look forward to creating new music with that!
5. It has been four years since you released your debut album The Parts Interior back in 2014, and your second album The Next Line is due to be released in September. Can you tell us what we can expect from the new album and how it differs from your first?
The Next Line feels like a totally different album. The music is all more current in my life than that of The Parts Interior. For the first album, I wanted to record music that I had written over many years so that I could say that I finally did it. With this one, all of the music was written in between the two and, as an artist who is maturing as time passes, I was able to spend more time and energy crafting the songs, the lyrics, and the arrangements. I also worked with an amazing producer on this one who really pushed me to take the music and myself to the next level. Plus it rocks a little harder!
6. What would you say has been your career highlight so far?
As a songwriter, I feel like right now is the highlight. I quit my day job at the end of last year to pursue music and now things are actually happening. I am playing out and really owning the fact that I am a person creating music that I want to share with anyone who will listen. I am looking forward to whatever happens next.
7. What would you like to achieve next in your career?
I am planning to tour a bunch and record more music solo and in collaboration with people I know and have yet to meet. I really love to travel, and any opportunity to do that while playing music is most welcome. Also, I am hoping to get into a flow of creating more music more often so that I can share it with people on a regular basis.
8. What plans do you have for the rest of 2018?
In September, I will be doing a Northwest tour in support of the release of The Next Line. After that, I will be working on promoting the record, setting up more tours, singing with folks, and staying focused on music. Oh, and I plan to get involved in get-out-the-vote activities. I need to stay active as a citizen, as well as a creative person.
9. Finally, have you got a message for your fans?
For those of you who are artists, keep on going. Create, create, create. This world needs music and art. It longs for us to look up from our screens and make goodness and share it with each other. And for those who are not creatives, thank you for supporting the arts. It means the world to us!
Thank you so much to Briget for taking the time to chat with us!
To keep up to date with what she is up to, make sure to follow her on social media.
Finally, don’t forget to share your thoughts on our interview with Briget Boyle by tweeting us @CelebMix.