I’m not much of a coffee drinker. I like some of the specialty, sugary coffee drinks which barely taste like coffee, but for the most part, I maintain my caffeine addiction through diet soda. To me, coffee on its own is not great, but that’s just my taste and I acknowledge that a lot of people love the taste of coffee. The things which make coffee more palatable: chocolate, alcohol, dairy creamer, sugar. The things which make coffee even more disgusting: citrus anything. But not according to Ashton Kutcher! Apparently, Ashton doesn’t like to put creamer in his coffee. He spikes his coffee with… orange juice. *hork*
Ashton Kutcher has quite the unconventional coffee order. During an appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show, the Your Place or Mine star opened up about how he enhances his morning cup of coffee with a splash of orange juice.
Host Kelly Clarkson was skeptical of his “obsession,” telling him “I think you might be alone here” before he went on to defend his flavor preference.
“Hold on. I’m not big on creamers. I don’t like creamers. I usually drink black coffee. That is my go- to,” he explained. “But, occasionally I like light roast black coffee. And one of the things about light roast black coffee is that it has citrus notes in it.”
He then described how much orange juice he actually mixes in his cup.
“It’s the acidity that sort of gives it a brightness when you’re drinking coffee,” he explained. “If I ever have a medium roast coffee and I’m like ‘Ah, I really would prefer this be a little more light roast,’ I take just a splash — not very much — of orange juice and it brightens up the coffee, and gives it a little bit of sweetness.”
Kutcher made sure to add the disclaimer not to “go overboard” because if he adds too much it “gets all sorts of not fun.” Though she was still skeptical, Clarkson came around to giving the concoction a taste.
“It sounds gross, but I’m going to try it,” she said.
Maybe… maybe Ashton just doesn’t have conventional/normal taste buds or a sense of smell? Hear me out – this is a man who rarely bathes, rarely uses soap, who wanders around with a dirty ass, smelling like feet. And now we learn that he can spike his black coffee with orange juice, a smell combination which makes me want to hurl. I bet you anything Ashton’s sense of smell is f–ked up, and probably his taste buds too.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
